Friday, May 1, 2015

Three Months & Nineteen Months

I realize I'm way behind on my monthly update of the kids so I thought I better sit down and get it done today. It's been a very busy month with all kinds of things going on! I'm hoping to post more about that in a later post. 

Miss Marie is now nineteen months old! She's becoming such a helpful little thing. I'm constantly amazed at all the new things she learns and does to help me out. She's always great about bringing me a burp cloth when I'm nursing, helps with laundry, dishes and folding clothes. Of course she's still very much a little girl and loves to play every chance she gets. Her favorite things are reading, playing outside, swinging, and playing with all her toys. She just keeps adding to her vocabulary as well. Her latest words are "Broccoli" (which comes out as "brock") and "Hallelujah" (most of the time is said "hallelu"). She also can say a small prayer before we eat with my help but she has "Amen" perfected. In fact if she's really ready to eat she'll try to say "Amen" right at the beginning of the prayer! It's pretty cute! She's getting more interested in playing with Cole but she's still learning how to be gentle. It's so fun watching her grow and learn new things everyday. Here's some pictures and videos for you.

Cole is now three months old! He is growing up so fast! He's just about out of 6 month clothes. He's now holding his head up really well, is finally starting to be interested in some toys and laughed for the first time the other day! He smiles all the time and is a very content little baby. At night he is sleeping for about 10 hours straight which has been so nice! I'm so thankful I've had two great sleeping babies. It's a blessing for sure! Anyway, Cole also loves when Marie talks to him. He just smiles away at her. It's fun to see them interacting with each other. He lost a lot of his hair but it's starting to fill back in again. Enjoy the pictures and videos!  

Cole's First Laugh!

Please leave us comment! We love to hear what you have to say! :) 


  1. Great pictures and videos. Marie makes me laugh as she acts so much like you when you were little. Right up close and personal. It was great to hear Cole laugh. It was great that Derek was there to capture the moment. We love you all!!!

    1. Yes, I love that Derek was there as well. It was so fun to hear Cole's first laugh together! :)

  2. Loved seeing our niece and nephew. They do grow up too fast, that's a fact!
