Monday, May 4, 2015

Easter Weekend

We were able to make a trip to Oklahoma in April thanks to my parents buying us airplane tickets! (Being a mother of two I'm just now getting around to posting about it!) It was fun to be there again as it's been since last July that we were there last. My brother and sister in-law have a 2 1/2 year old girl named Annaleah and a 10 month old boy named Decklyn so Marie had a lot of fun playing with both of them. They all got along really well for the most part. Marie loved all the animals, swinging outside with Grandpa and playing with her cousins. Derek and I enjoyed being in the country again! It's so refreshing not hearing sirens and traffic but instead the lovely sounds of chickens, birds, and the wind rustling through the trees. We were able to get Derek's telescope out one evening and look at different things in the sky. Unfortunately the moon was full so we couldn't see a lot but it was still fun.  We did find Jupiter, and could see four of its moons as well as some of the cloud bands.

Marie's third plane ride. She really loved looking out the window. 
Cole's first plane ride. He did great! Didn't cry at all. :) 
The "Skymall" magazine helped entertain Marie. 
I love this picture of Derek & Cole! 
Just enough lap for both of them! :)
Aunt Susie meets Cole for the first time. 

First ride on the ranger with Grandpa and Cousin Annaleah. 

Going with Grandma to feed all the animals!
Annaleah opening her Easter basket from Grandma and Grandpa. 

Marie opening her Easter basket with help from Aunt Susie. 

I'm having fun holding Decklyn. He's such a cutie! 

Derek & Ashton talking around the fire pit. 

Marie just loved being outside in Grandma's garden! 

Having fun playing together! 

Easter Sunday. Such a beautiful family! 

Getting ready for Church! 

Ready to go to Church! Susie made the bow tie for Cole. I thought it was so cute! 

Our beautiful family! 

Uncle Ashton with Cole.  

Tammy, a dear family friend was able to come during the weekend as well. It was great seeing her! 

Decorating eggs. I sure haven't done that in a long time! 

Marie's first time decorating eggs. She had fun but didn't last very long. 

Our fun looking eggs! 

Getting ready for the egg hunt! 

"Hiding" (we didn't really hide the eggs since the girls are so little) the eggs. 

They both had a lot of fun finding them. 

Marie would get so excited and throw her egg in the bucket. Every time you could hear it go "crack!" It was fun using real eggs instead of the plastic ones. 

Decklyn having fun playing in the dirt. 

Nanny Tammy got to meet Cole for the first time this weekend. She also hadn't seen Marie for over a year!  I'm so glad she could come out! 

I sure love these two! 

Our very small rental car!We ended up flying into Tulsa, OK but that meant we would still have to drive three hours to get to my folks place. We decided it would be best for us to rent a car rather than my parents picking us up. Well, this is the car we ended up with! It was so small!! We barely got the two kids in car seats, umbrella stroller, three bags and Derek and I in the car! It's amazing we did. Poor Derek had to drive with his seat all the way forward in order for Cole's car seat to fit behind. Derek said he felt like he was in a sardine can! It was quite the tight ride to and from but we made it work. We are sure thankful our car isn't that small! The plus side was we got really good gas mileage! :) 

Well, that sums up our trip to Oklahoma. We all enjoyed getting to spend some time with family. It's too bad it always goes so fast! How was your Easter?


  1. Thanks for all the great pictures. Looks like you had a wonderful time!

  2. It was a wonderful weekend, albeit a bit cold and windy. It was fun to have you back on the farm. Thanks for the picture show!!!
