Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snow Pictures

We had our first big snow yesterday! It was beautiful. 

This is the view from the front of our house.

The view from the back of house. Looking forward to using our grill this Spring when things thaw out again! 

What has your winter been like? 


  1. Our winter has been pretty much...snowless.
    Of course you knew that, but hey! You asked! Lol. Beautiful pictures. Miss you guys.

  2. Yes, I did know that but I appreciate you commenting! :) It gave me a good laugh this morning. We miss you too!

  3. I'm very jealous of your snow! Our winter has been incredibly mild, which most people out here seem to appreciate. But as a snowboarder, I'm a great lover of winter! There has been so little snow in the mountains, there is concern for what the water table will look like this summer. I planned a trip for our church to go tubing and snowshoeing up at Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic Mountains, but we had to cancel because there simply isn't any snow :( Check out these webcams they have at the summit. Usually at this time of year the place is buried in white! http://www.nps.gov/olym/photosmultimedia/hurricane-ridge-webcam.htm

  4. Wow, you aren't kidding about no snow! That's too bad, because it's a fun place to go snowshoeing.

  5. I miss playing in the snow on Washington St! Did Marie go out and play in it at all??

    1. Funny enough, we didn't end up getting out in it much this time. We ended up with a nice layer of freezing rain over the weekend that made the snow a lot less fun!

  6. So funny to see the little blue truck sitting there in St. Louis! I wish we had gotten just a little snow, at least once this winter, but the positive side is that it is SPRING here in Washington! Rhodies blooming, cherry trees already blossoming, and that completely springlike sound of birds chirping like a choir in the early morning. Derek, we stopped on the road in Scandia at night, as is our annual tradition, and heard the hearty chorus of the frogs croaking and peeping away. This was a couple of weeks ago already, so it started really early this year.

    1. Wow, that sounds great! I'm glad spring is peaking its head around the corner for you... maybe it will happen here soon! It's 6 degrees this morning as I get ready for work!
