Friday, February 20, 2015

One Month & Seventeen Months

It's hard for us to believe that Cole is already one month old! Where does the time go? 

 He is growing well. Yesterday Nathania had him weighed and he's already 12 pounds! That means he's gained almost 4 pounds in one month! We think he's doing alright! :)  So far he's really been a good baby other than getting his nights and days mixed up. The other night we were up with him until midnight! He was bright eyed and bushy tailed as they say. Thank goodness he finally went to sleep! We are really enjoying him. He's just so cute!  

Marie is now seventeen months old. Her favorite things to say right now are "no", "bye bye", "baby" and "dog". She is becoming a really fun little girl. Her favorite things to do are eat, take all the cushions off the couch, move her toys from one place to the next, read books, play with Daddy and give Cole kisses. She stays very busy all day! She's tipping the scale at 26 pounds these days and has 14 teeth!  

She loves to smile for the camera! 

Having fun playing on the couch (with no cushions!). 

She's really starting to talk! 

Daddy & Marie having fun together. 

We are so thankful for our children. Even though they are a lot of work there are so many moments that remind us of how much fun they are and how we are raising the next generation for Christ. 


  1. Great to see you all! As Charlotte says, they are SO cute! The blog is a great idea; this puts us way more in touch. Dad

    1. Yeah, I'm glad we've found a way to keep you all posted better than we have done in the past.

  2. I love the videos! Thanks! Grandma Tamm

  3. This is Charlotte. SO CUTE!!! :) Miss you guys so much!

  4. They are both changing fast. Cole is now looking a lot more like Marie. Thanks so much for sharing.
