Saturday, February 14, 2015

Our New Baby

We would like to introduce the latest member of our family, Cole Jackson. He was born at home on January 18th. He weighed 8 pounds 9 ounces, and was 21 inches long. Nathania's labour was much shorter than the last one (with Marie), and the delivery went smoothly. Thank you to all those who prayed for us during this pregnancy. Enjoy the pictures! 


  1. You guys all look great! So good to see more pictures of Cole, and Marie is adorable! Looking forward to more posts.

  2. Wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to keep us all posted!

  3. Love the blog, guys! It's wonderful to see all of you. One minor suggestion -- the blue writing over on the right that lists the titles of your archived posts and labels is almost impossible to read on top of the blue background of your picture of the arch. At least it is on my monitor. Don't know if you can do anything about that or not.

    1. Thanks for the tip! We changed it...hopefully it's a little easier on the eyes now!

  4. This is great! It's like a visit. I love the pictures of Cole and Marie. Thanks for doing this!

  5. My name is really spelled Virginia and I am better known as Grandma Tamm. :)

    1. Hi Grandma! :) Thanks for checking out our blog!
