Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Living with a Toddler

Today while I was busy changing Cole's diaper Marie got really quiet. That usually means she's doing something she's not supposed to. Here's what I found her doing! 

                                                  She was quite pleased with herself!

Living with a toddler is fun but they sure know how to keep you on your toes! 

On a side note, here's a recent video of Cole doing tummy time and holding up his head. I thought you all might enjoy seeing how much he's changing. 


  1. I'm having trouble leaving my comments on this website. I'll try using anonymous this time to see if it works. Anyway, I've been enjoying your entries on When Washington....Oklahoma. Both kiddies are growing so fast; I'm sorry we're missing the experience, but your pics and videos really do help so much, so keep it up. Love, Gramma Stickney

    1. I'm sorry you are having trouble! It looks like it worked for you to use anonymous and then sign your name at the bottom. It's good to hear you like the blog. We have both been enjoying writing the posts. :)

  2. Thanks, Nathania. So cute! I love this blog.

    1. I'm so glad you are enjoying the blog. Thanks for reading our posts and commenting! :)

  3. I can't get the videos to play on my tablet, so I finally got to my PC to watch this one of Cole. He is such a handsome little guy, and so strong! He is absolutely adorable!

    1. It is amazing to me how quickly babies get so strong! They sure grow fast!

  4. She does look quite proud of when she empties her diaper drawer! Hang in there. Cole is looking chubby and strong. You are a great Mom!!!
    Sorry I have been slow to comment, the weather is finally garden worthy.

    1. You know, a couple weeks after you left Marie finally stopped emptying her diaper drawer! That was nice when she stopped doing that! :) I understand about getting outside! I've been slow in replying to comments for the same reason.
