Saturday, July 9, 2016

Marie's Early Birthday Gift

Yesterday Marie received an early birthday gift in the mail from Grandpa Ardee and Grandma Penny. It's called a "Strider Bike." It doesn't have any pedals so it teaches kids how to balance better than starting out with pedals and training wheels. Marie was so excited she could hardly wait for her Dad to put it together! She's really going to enjoy it.

Her first ride! 

We found her helmet! :) 

Love the corn field behind her! 

The rest of us cooling off in the shade. 

Dad had to give it a try! Haha! :) 

Marie asked Dad to get out his motorcycle (that's what she now calls her bike).

She can't quite keep up yet! 

It's so wonderful having a nice big back yard! 

Dad showing the kids bad things! :) Just kidding! 

And they are off! Bet you can't guess who won? 

Cole giving it a try. He loves it too! 

The seat is too high for him though. 

She's getting better! 

Thanks Grandpa and Grandma! 


  1. Wonderful! The photo with Derek on the bike is hilarious. I know Marie will learn quick. I am also thrilled that you have a great back yard. A wonderful place to spend the evening! Love, Mom

  2. Forgot to add...You Are Welcome!

    1. How fun! It looks like you live in a park. The corn field reminds me of "Field of Dreams"...
