Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Miss Marie is 2!!

I'm finally getting around to writing a post! Sorry it's been so long. What a crazy summer and fall it's been! Hopefully things will slow down a little bit here so I can post more frequently! 

So back in September Marie turned 2 years old! It's so hard to believe it was two years ago that I was three weeks late from my due date. I finally went into labor and 20 1/2 hours later I was holding my beautiful 9lbs 5oz daughter in my arms! What an amazing feeling that was. A day I will never forget! 

My parents were able to come and help us celebrate Marie's special day. It was great having them here! I thought I would share a bunch of pictures since that's what you all are really interested in instead of all my writing! ;) 

Here you go! 

The night before Grandma and Grandpa blew up a lot of balloons for Marie to play with. She loved it! 

Helping Grandma make eggs for breakfast! 

My original hope was to have a Miss Spider themed birthday (Marie has a Miss Spider book that she loves). But time got away from me so we just had a Miss Spider balloon and made the rest as festive as we could. 

Grandpa bringing Marie inside after Grandma and I had decorated. 


She loved the Miss Spider balloon! :) 

Derek took his party blower job seriously! ;) 

Doesn't she look so excited! :) 

Cole was happy! 

She has this puzzle mastered already and can almost say all the shapes herself. One day she walked up to Derek and said "Pentagon" while she was doing the puzzle. He was shocked! ;) 

Grandpa helping with Marie's new puzzles. 

Such a happy boy! 

I will post more pictures of gifts from family members in another post. :) I hope you enjoyed all the pictures! 


  1. I DID enjoy all the pictures! Looks like Marie had a fun Birthday.
    Thanks for posting!

  2. We had a wonderful time. Glad we were able to make it.
