Friday, February 27, 2015

Nathania's Ramblings

I'm sitting here supposed to be writing my shopping list but instead decided it was time to write another blog post. (Can you tell that I dislike grocery shopping?) 

This weekend Derek and I are hoping to sit down and do a lot of planning. We are really wanting to finish school and go into whatever ministry God is calling us to. That's the tricky part though; we aren't sure exactly where God is calling us yet. So, that's the reason for sitting down and talking through it. We would appreciate your prayers as we seek God for what he has for us. Both of us are planners so it's hard to not know what lies ahead. 

As for other news, it's been really cold here the past couple days. Like 10 degrees cold. I know it's still winter but this is what it was supposed to be like in December (which it wasn't) not the beginning of March (at least in my opinion!). We had more snow the other day, with nothing but snow forecast for the whole weekend as well. I'm ready for Spring so I can take the kids on walks in my double stroller! :) 

Speaking of kids, they are both doing well. Marie just keeps learning new words. Her latest is "milk". I've also been teaching her some sign language and she can do two signs in a row now! I tell her to sign "more please" and away her hands go. It's fun to see how quickly she can learn. She's like a little sponge right now. Cole has been busy eating and sleeping which is what babies do best right? Though I feel like he's eating more than sleeping but it's probably all in my head. :) 

Derek is doing well. He just had the first of many tests for his New Testament class on Wednesday. He felt like he didn't do very well but he got his grade back today and he did well. It's funny how that works. He usually always does well when he thinks he won't. He's a smart guy! ;) 

Me, I'm just staying busy with laundry, cooking, changing diapers and keeping the kids happy (well Derek too for that matter!). I love it though. I'm so thankful I get to stay home and raise my kids instead of having to work at a job somewhere. Speaking of my job, I guess I better go and finish my grocery list. Ugh...:)   

Well, I think that's enough rambling for today. I hope you all are having a great day! 



  1. I'm glad you get to stay home as well. So thankful that it is important to Derek and that he makes it possible. You will never regret the time you are spending with the children. "Pay now, Play later" Just remember that on the hard days!

  2. Thanks for the reminder Mom! :)
