Monday, April 27, 2015

Easy Entertainment

Today Marie enjoyed entertaining herself with two very simple games. The first one was playing with spice bottles. She would put them on her stool, move them to the counter, move them to the floor and then start all over again. She stayed entertained with this for an hour while I worked in the kitchen! Thankfully she hasn't figured out how to open any of them yet! 

 The second thing was playing with the dust pan and brush out on the back porch. She found quite a bit of dirt and "airplanes" (Locust tree seeds) to sweep up. It's so nice how easily she entertains herself at times. (her onesie is too small so I couldn't snap it around her. It looks pretty funny now that I'm looking back at the picture!) 

She apparently loves when I take videos of her as she started dancing when she saw the camera! :) 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Toddler with Finger Paint!

Yesterday I was on Pinterest and found this idea for edible finger paints (it's made with Greek Yogurt and food coloring). I decided to let Marie have a go at it. I was hoping she would be entertained for a long time but it only lasted for about 20 minutes. That's still a good chunk of time I suppose. :)  I took some pictures and video's of the beginning and end. She had fun but what a mess! Thank goodness for cheap plastic table cloths. (by the way, trying to save money I put the table cloth in my washer on the "hand wash" cycle and it came out perfectly fine! I hung it on the line to dry and look forward to using it again! I was hoping I could reuse it. :) )

Just starting out. She wasn't too sure about it at first. 

 Starting to have fun with it.  (Wow! she says)

She had to eat some of course! 

At this point she said "all done"! :) 

Thank goodness for paper diapers for this project. I'm glad I thought to put one on her instead of her cloth diaper! :) After this it was bath time. Her water was green when she was finished! I'm glad she had so much fun with it. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Bedroom Painted

I got the bedroom all painted, and finally we got a picture taken.  

The lighting isn't the greatest, but it gives you an idea.  We really like the change.  Our landlord was kind enough to take some money off the rent in December as a Christmas present, and we decided once things settled down with Cole we would use it to buy some paint and fix up this room.  Yes, we have the best landlord ever!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Throwback Thursday

I thought it would be fun to do a Throwback Thursday post. Here's a picture of Marie when she was just one month old and then a recent picture of her. I can't believe how much she's changed! 

Marie 2 months 

Marie 18 months 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Potty Training!

I have decided to start potty training Marie. Today marks our first day. So far she has gone once in her little toilet. I'm hoping she will catch on pretty quick. She seems to be a fast learner with other things so I'm sure she will. It will be so wonderful to get her out of the cloth diapers so I can stop washing so many! :) My little girl is growing up so fast!